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The 19th Annual Top Gun Construction Claims Webinar Series Will Take Place September 29 - November 18.

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This survey is meant to gather examples of what townships are doing with their American Rescue Plan funding.

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The nation’s top 100 small town public service volunteers will again be recognized and honored for their service in the second annual Small Town...

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Board seeks input on application requirements

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"Body cameras are beneficial for peace officers and the public because they act as impartial eyes on events as they transpire, but most law...

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Home Sewage Treatment System Replacement Projects A total of $1.6 million in H2Ohio funding will go to the counties listed here to help low- to...

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The Ohio Township Association (OTA) is very gratified to report Gov. DeWine’s signature today of HB 168, legislation confirming Ohio townships’...

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The Ohio House has concurred on Ohio Senate amendments to HB 168, legislation that provides for Ohio townships’ rightful eligibility for American...

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The Ohio Township Association (OTA) is pleased to report that the Ohio House Finance Committee has added an amendment to Senate Bill 111 that would...

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Ohio's Research Initiative for Locals (ORIL) - in cooperation with the Ohio Dept. of Transportation (ODOT) - is conducting two studies on which...

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The Ohio Township Association routinely fields calls regarding human resources (HR) issues including the forms required of new hires, the paying of...

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After weeks of uncertainty regarding Ohio townships’ eligibility status for direct American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds, the US Treasury today released...

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