General Township Training

No matter your tenure or position, these topics will benefit your township. This category covers topics of general importance and broad interest to townships of all sizes.

No matter your tenure or position, these topics will benefit your township. This category covers topics of general importance and broad interest to townships of all sizes.

Please be sure to frequent this page for dates of upcoming training. 

Full Upcoming Events Calendar

Upcoming Workshops:

Ohio Environmental Education Fund: Enhancing Ohio Citizens' Awareness
March 19, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Track: General Township
Speaker: Dan Sowry, Ohio EPA
Description: Explore how the Ohio Environmental Education Fund (OEEF) is fostering environmental literacy and empowering communities to take action. Attendees will receive an overview of OEEF grant opportunities and highlight successful projects that have increased environmental awareness and stewardship across the state. 
Price: Free


New Community Authority: What is it & How to Use it?
April 23, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Track: General Township
Speakers: Colin Kalvas, Bricker Graydon; Rob McCarthy, Bricker Graydon
Description: Discover the potential of New Community Authorities (NCAs) as a tool for fostering development and enhancing community infrastructure. This session will explain what NCAs are, how they function under Ohio law, and the ways townships can leverage them to support growth and fund public improvements. 
Price: $20 member / $30 non-member


Effective Communication and Collaboration Across Township Departments
May 21, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Track: General Township
Speaker: Lisa Campbell, Plain Township/Stark County; John Sabo, Plain Township/Stark County
Description: Learn strategies for improving communication and fostering collaboration between trustees, administrators, fiscal officers, and other township departments through team-building and problem-solving. 
Price: $20 member / $30 non-member


Road Maintenance and Improvement Strategies
June 25, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Track: General Township
Speaker: Tim Herbst, National Pavement Analysis
Description: Discover best practices for maintaining and improving township roads. Topics include funding sources, working with contractors, and innovative approaches to road repair. 
Price: $20 member / $30 non-member


Save The Date

  • July 16
  • August 27
  • September 17
  • October 14
  • November 13
  • December 11

Dates are subject to change. Please check this page closer to the event for the most updated information. For any questions, please contact Michael Zaky.