The Coalition of Large Ohio Urban Townships (CLOUT) is a group of large, urban townships formed for the purpose of providing a forum for the exchange of problems, issues, and solutions for similarly–sized townships in Ohio, and to provide input to the Ohio Township Association. Formed in 1994, membership in CLOUT requires a population of 15,000 or more in the unincorporated area of the township or a budget of more than $3 million.


CLOUT operates according to its bylaws. It has an executive committee, which is elected at the annual meeting held in conjunction with the OTA Winter Conference. The executive committee consists of 16 members representing the four CLOUT regions. The executive committee meets four times per year. Recent agendas and minutes can be found below.

Upcoming Executive Committee Meetings

  • April 14, 2025
  • July 14, 2025
  • October 6, 2025

The CLOUT executive committee sets legislative priorities for each General Assembly. Additionally, CLOUT members may request assistance in litigation via amicus curiae briefs to be considered by OTA staff and the executive committee.


Are you interested in joining CLOUT? If your township would like to be a member, the township needs to pass a resolution and send a copy to the OTA with $200 for annual dues. Please note: All townships eligible for CLOUT will receive an invitation in the fall each year. To vote on issues at the annual Winter Conference, dues must be received by the OTA before the meeting.


More Information

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for CLOUT, please email Barry Tiffany, Chair, Sugarcreek Township/Greene County, or call the OTA office at 614-863-0045.