OTA Leadership Academy 1.0

The Ohio Township Association Leadership Academy (OTALA) was created by the OTA, OSU Extension: Office of Community Development, and the Center for Public Management and Regional Affairs at Miami University. The purpose of the Academy is to enhance the leadership and decision-making skills of the township leadership team through participation in OTALA workshops. Workshops are offered at every OTA conference. The Academy is designed for township elected officials, administrative staff, and individuals who serve on township committees, boards, or task forces. A diploma is presented to each individual who successfully completes the program.

To sign up to start the OTALA 1.0 program, please click here. For individual events, see below or check the OTA's Calendar page.

OTALA Webinars Scheduled In Place of In-Person Events

Please note: to register for an OTALA webinar, you must first/also be registered as a student of the Leadership Academy. Contact Michael Zaky with questions or to register.

OTALA's webinars will take place in July 2024. For more information, contact Michael Zaky.

Register for Summer 2024 OTALA Webinars

Federal Day

Please note: to register for an OTALA webinar, you must first/also be registered as a student of the Leadership Academy. Contact Michael Zaky with questions or to register.

The 2024 Federal Day date is August 9, 2024. More information will be made available closer to the event. For questions, contact Michael Zaky.

Register for 2024 Federal Day


The following criteria must be met within three years of submitting a registration form and attending your first workshop.

  • Complete the General Workshop
    This is designed to give participants an overview of the fundamental issues, expectations, and practices associated with public office service.
  • Attend six of 10 elective workshops, which include the following:

    1. Conducting Effective Meetings
      Topics include types of meetings, legal requirements, pre-meeting activities such as agenda preparation/distribution/"five-day rule," the meeting environment, process, rules, and procedure, and dynamics of conducting a public meeting.

    2. Communicating and Working with the Media
      Topics include understanding the media, preparing the media for your meetings, preparing yourself, and developing effective media relations.

    3. Communicating and Working with Citizens
      The session is based upon best practices used in many locations around the state and nation to provide a framework for building effective relationships and engaging community residents with their government in positive ways.

    4. Building Sustainable Communities
      Sustainability seeks to find the balance between a community's environmental, social, and economic aspects. Discussion centers on methods of involving residents in determining the desired balance, resolving differences, and settling indicators for future decision-making.

    5. Team Building
      Participants have an opportunity to learn more about the elements of effective teams, the roles and perspectives of team members, how to assess their skills and group functions, and how to work together.

    6. Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution
      This workshop is divided into four parts, each focusing on different conflict management and dispute resolution dimensions.

    7. Leadership Skills and Styles
      Centers on how understanding leadership styles and types can help improve our interpersonal relationships and the board's effectiveness.

    8. Effective Decision-Making
      Focuses on principles and practices that can provide a framework for improving your tenure and service in public office. Topics include duties and responsibilities of public officials, codes of ethics, standards of conduct, conflict of interest, using and abusing the office, open meeting laws, and honesty.

    9. Intergovernmental Relations: Opportunities and Challenges for Cooperation
      Explore Ohio law pertaining to opportunities and limitations for intergovernmental agreements and cooperative arrangements. Draws heavily from the positive and negative experiences of others who have engaged in cooperative agreements with other governments.

    10. Technology in Government
      Reviews the uses, applications, and limitations of information technology, especially Internet-based technology, in local government.

  • Complete the federal component (annual NATaT Fly-In or one-day Federal Session held annually in August at the OTA office).