Ohio Townships Map
Click on your county or scroll down to view the counties in alphabetical order. Township websites that have been provided to the OTA are linked to each individual township.
- Andover
- Ashtabula
- Austinburg
- Cherry Valley
- Colebrook
- Denmark
- Dorset
- Geneva
- Harpersfield
- Hartsgrove
- Jefferson
- Kingsville
- Lenox
- Monroe
- Morgan
- New Lyme
- Orwell
- Pierpont
- Plymouth
- Richmond
- Rome
- Saybrook
- Sheffield
- Trumbull
- Wayne
- Williamsfield
- Windsor
- Clay
- Duchouquet
- German
- Goshen
- Jackson
- Logan
- Moulton
- Noble
- Pusheta
- Saint Marys
- Salem
- Union
- Washington
- Wayne
- Colerain
- Flushing
- Goshen
- Kirkwood
- Mead
- Pease
- Pultney
- Richland
- Smith
- Somerset
- Union
- Warren
- Washington
- Wayne
- Wheeling
- York
- Bethel
- German
- Green
- Harmony
- Mad River
- Madison
- Moorefield
- Pike
- Pleasant
- Springfield
- Adams
- Chester
- Clark
- Green
- Jefferson
- Liberty
- Marion
- Richland
- Union
- Vernon
- Washington
- Wayne
- Wilson
- Adams
- Bedford
- Bethlehem
- Clark
- Crawford
- Franklin
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Keene
- Lafayette
- Linton
- Mill Creek
- Monroe
- New Castle
- Oxford
- Perry
- Pike
- Tiverton
- Tuscarawas
- Virginia
- Washington
- White Eyes
- Adams
- Allen
- Brown
- Butler
- Franklin
- Greenville
- Harrison
- Jackson
- Liberty
- Mississinawa
- Monroe
- Neave
- Patterson
- Richland
- Twin
- Van Buren
- Wabash
- Washington
- Wayne
- York
- Adams
- Defiance
- Delaware
- Farmer
- Hicksville
- Highland
- Mark
- Milford
- Noble
- Richland
- Tiffin
- Washington
- Amboy
- Chesterfield
- Clinton
- Dover
- Franklin
- Fulton
- German
- Gorham
- Pike
- Royalton
- Swan Creek
- York
- Addison
- Cheshire
- Clay
- Gallipolis
- Green
- Greenfield
- Guyan
- Harrison
- Huntington
- Morgan
- Ohio
- Perry
- Raccoon
- Springfield
- Walnut
- Bath
- Beavercreek
- Caesarcreek
- Cedarville
- Jefferson
- Miami
- New Jasper
- Ross
- Silvercreek
- Spring Valley
- Sugarcreek
- Xenia
- Adams
- Cambridge
- Center
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Knox
- Liberty
- Londonderry
- Madison
- Millwood
- Monroe
- Oxford
- Richland
- Spencer
- Valley
- Washington
- Westland
- Wheeling
- Wills
- Archer
- Athens
- Cadiz
- Franklin
- Freeport
- German
- Green
- Monroe
- Moorefield
- North
- Nottingham
- Rumley
- Short Creek
- Stock
- Washington
- Bartlow
- Damascus
- Flatrock
- Freedom
- Harrison
- Liberty
- Marion
- Monroe
- Napoleon
- Pleasant
- Richfield
- Ridgeville
- Washington
- Brush Creek
- Clay
- Concord
- Dodson
- Fairfield
- Hamer
- Jackson
- Liberty
- Madison
- Marshall
- New Market
- Paint
- Penn
- Salem
- Union
- Washington
- White Oak
- Bloomfield
- Coal
- Franklin
- Hamilton
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Liberty
- Lick
- Madison
- Milton
- Scioto
- Washington
- Bloomfield
- Bokes Creek
- Harrison
- Jefferson
- Lake
- Liberty
- Mc Arthur
- Miami
- Monroe
- Perry
- Pleasant
- Richland
- Rush Creek
- Stokes
- Union
- Washington
- Zane
- Harding
- Jerusalem
- Monclova
- Providence
- Richfield
- Spencer
- Springfield
- Swanton
- Sylvania
- Washington
- Waterville
- Austintown
- Beaver
- Berlin
- Boardman
- Canfield
- Coitsville
- Ellsworth
- Goshen
- Green
- Jackson
- Milton
- Poland
- Smith
- Springfield
- Big Island
- Bowling Green
- Claridon
- Grand
- Grand Prairie
- Green Camp
- Marion
- Montgomery
- Pleasant
- Prospect
- Richland
- Salt Rock
- Scott
- Tully
- Waldo
- Bedford
- Chester
- Columbia
- Lebanon
- Letart
- Olive
- Orange
- Rutland
- Salem
- Salisbury
- Scipio
- Sutton
- Bloom
- Bristol
- Center
- Deerfield
- Homer
- Malta
- Manchester
- Marion
- Meigsville
- Morgan
- Penn
- Union
- Windsor
- York
- Beaver
- Brookfield
- Buffalo
- Center
- Elk
- Enoch
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Marion
- Noble
- Olive
- Seneca
- Sharon
- Stock
- Wayne
- Circleville
- Darby
- Deer Creek
- Harrison
- Jackson
- Madison
- Monroe
- Muhlenberg
- Perry
- Pickaway
- Salt Creek
- Scioto
- Walnut
- Washington
- Wayne
- Beaver
- Benton
- Camp Creek
- Jackson
- Marion
- Mifflin
- Newton
- Pebble
- Pee Pee
- Perry
- Scioto
- Seal
- Sunfish
- Union
- Dixon
- Gasper
- Gratis
- Harrison
- Israel
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Lanier
- Monroe
- Somers
- Twin
- Washington
- Blanchard
- Greensburg
- Jackson
- Jennings
- Liberty
- Monroe
- Monterey
- Ottawa
- Palmer
- Perry
- Pleasant
- Riley
- Sugar Creek
- Union
- Van Buren
- Blooming Grove
- Butler
- Cass
- Franklin
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Madison
- Mifflin
- Monroe
- Perry
- Plymouth
- Sandusky
- Sharon
- Springfield
- Troy
- Washington
- Weller
- Worthington
- Clinton
- Cynthian
- Dinsmore
- Franklin
- Green
- Jackson
- Loramie
- Mc Lean
- Orange
- Perry
- Salem
- Turtle Creek
- Van Buren
- Washington
- Bazetta
- Bloomfield
- Braceville
- Bristol
- Brookfield
- Champion
- Farmington
- Fowler
- Greene
- Gustavus
- Hartford
- Howland
- Hubbard
- Johnston
- Kinsman
- Liberty
- Mecca
- Mesopotamia
- Newton
- Southington
- Vernon
- Vienna
- Warren
- Weathersfield
- Auburn
- Bucks
- Clay
- Dover
- Fairfield
- Franklin
- Goshen
- Jefferson
- Lawrence
- Mill
- Oxford
- Perry
- Rush
- Salem
- Sandy
- Sugar Creek
- Union
- Warren
- Warwick
- Washington
- Wayne
- York
- Allen
- Claibourne
- Darby
- Dover
- Jackson
- Jerome
- Leesburg
- Liberty
- Mill Creek
- Paris
- Taylor
- Union
- Washington
- York
- Brown
- Clinton
- Eagle
- Elk
- Harrison
- Jackson
- Knox
- Madison
- Richland
- Swan
- Vinton
- Wilkesville
- Adams
- Aurelius
- Barlow
- Belpre
- Decatur
- Dunham
- Fairfield
- Fearing
- Grandview
- Independence
- Lawrence
- Liberty
- Ludlow
- Marietta
- Muskingum
- Newport
- Palmer
- Salem
- Warren
- Waterford
- Watertown
- Wesley
- Brady
- Bridgewater
- Center
- Florence
- Jefferson
- Madison
- Mill Creek
- Northwest
- Pulaski
- Saint Joseph
- Springfield
- Superior
- Antrim
- Crane
- Crawford
- Eden
- Jackson
- Marseilles
- Mifflin
- Pitt
- Richland
- Ridge
- Salem
- Sycamore
- Tymochtee