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This two-day, in-person grant writing workshop will take place September 22-23, 2022, in Cincinnati.

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Congratulations to Madison Township Police Department (Franklin Co.), Perkins Township Police Department (Erie Co.), and Perry Township Police...

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The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an upcoming training opportunity that could be of interest to townships!

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Sedgwick is offering the following training webinar to their clients in August.

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The Ohio State University Extension Energy Program has two upcoming trainings next month that could be of interest to townships.

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No matter what your office environment looks like right now, safety should always be your number one priority.

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The deadline to enroll in the Safety Council rebate is July 31, 2022.

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The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) has an upcoming training opportunity that could be of interest to townships.

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The Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing is now accepting applications for the fiscal year 2023 Cemetery Grant Program.

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Amendments to the Ohio Fire Code (OFC) regarding consumer discharge of fireworks become effective on July 3, 2022.

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If you are interested in presenting a state fair award, contact OTA Director of Communications, Nicole Ganim, at 614-863-0045 or...

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The Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, June 9 to discuss outdoor equipment safety.

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