2023 Winter Conference Recordings Now Available


Back on Track: The 2023 OTA Winter Conference and Trade Show

We are excited to let you know that the 2023 Winter Conference Recordings are now available! All 2023 OTA Winter Conference registrants have free access to all the recorded workshop sessions. You can view them now in our Resource Center. If provided, session handouts are included in the course link below the video. If you know someone who did not register for the conference, the recordings are available for purchase on our website.

For fiscal officers viewing these recordings, several sessions are eligible for Fiscal Integrity Act (formerly known as CE) credit through the Auditor of State's office and/or CPIM credit through the Treasurer of State's office. Eligible courses are noted with a "FIA" or "CPIM" designation on the list of recordings below. Accreditation must be self-reported to both organizations. Passcodes for CPIM courses will be provided at the conclusion of qualifying recordings.

For a full list of recordings in the set, please click here.

Note: You must be logged in to have access to these recordings. Our Resource Center and main website are connected, so when you log in to the OTA site, you will automatically be logged in to the Resource Center.

If you are having trouble gaining access to the recordings, please contact Tyler Lovelace  at 614-863-0045.