Reference Material

Sourcebook - Fiscal Officer The focus of the Fiscal Officer Sourcebook is the Ohio Revised Code. The fiscal officer of the...
Price: $25
Sourcebook - Personnel This sourcebook is designed to provide township officials with an overview of personnel management...
Price: $25
Sourcebook - Trustee The Trustee Sourcebook examines those responsibilities relevant to the office, including streets...
Price: $25
Sourcebook 2-Volume Set Choose any two Sourcebooks Please indicate which two sourcebooks you want to order in the...
Price: $40
Sourcebook - Zoning The Zoning Sourcebook is the newest edition in the Township Sourcebook Series. It is designed to...
Price: $25
Sourcebook 3-Volume Set Choose any three Sourcebooks Please indicate which three sourcebooks you want to order in the...
Price: $60
Sourcebook 4-Volume Set 1 Fiscal Officer/ 1 Trustee/ 1 Personnel/ 1 Zoning The Trustee Sourcebook examines those...
Price: $75
Sourcebook - Complete Township Set 1 Fiscal Officer/3 Trustee/1 Personnel/ 1 Zoning The Trustee Sourcebook examines those...
Price: $100
History & Functions Brochure This brochure details the function of townships in Ohio. It was created specifically to be...
Price: $0.25
Cox Report Brochure In 2012, the Ohio Township Association commissioned a report on the functions of Ohio’s...
Price: $0.25
Roads Brochure Ohio townships are required by the Revised Code to provide roads. This brochure covers roads and...
Price: $0.25
DVD - The Function of the Twps. in Ohio This DVD details the function of townships in Ohio. To order your DVD with a printed and mailed...
Price: $25