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2022 Winter Conference Recordings

Product Description  

Whether or not you were able to attend this year's Winter Conference, you have the opportunity to access recordings of almost all the educational sessions! All 2022 Winter Conference registrants - regardless of attendance - should automatically have access to the recordings. You can view them in our new Resource Center! If you did not register and did not attend the conference, you can purchase the set of recordings here. For a full list of recordings in the set, please click here

If you registered for the conference but are having trouble gaining access to the recordings, please contact Shae Haas at or 614-863-0045. 


For fiscal officers viewing these recordings, several sessions are eligible for continuing education credit through the Auditor of State's office and/or CPIM credit through the Treasurer of State's office. Continuing education must be self-reported by December 31, 2022. Passcodes for CPIM courses will be given to you at the conclusion of the qualifying recordings.

Note: You must be logged in to have access/purchase these recordings. Our Resource Center and main website are connected, so once you log in on one, you will automatically be logged in on the other. 

Price: $75

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