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Plan, Fund, Build - Do Your Homework for Capital Projects

Capital projects are successful through proper planning, community support, and funding. Walk through the important stages of a capital project and learn about things like participatory planning, project needs assessment, green and risk facility management, funding sources, and operational budgets for best management practice successes.

Note: You must be logged in to access/purchase this webinar. Our Resource Center and main website are connected, so once you log in on one, you will automatically be logged in on the other. 

*This course has been approved for one (1) hour of Fiscal Integrity Act (FIA) credit with the Auditor of State's office and one (1) hour of CPIM credit through the Treasurer of State's office. The information to report these credits is held within the recording. The FIA credit can be reported through October 14, 2024, and the CPIM credit can be reported through July 23, 2024.

Non-Member Price: $30
Member Price: $20