Products & Services

Reconciliations and Proof of Cash This session will help you identify and compile differences between book and bank activity, by...
Member Price: $10
Non-Member Price: $20
Real World Case Studies - Investing & Portfolio Management One of the best forms of education is learning from the successes and struggles of others. This...
Member Price: $10
Non-Member Price: $20
Investing Township Funds - Economic & Market Update This webinar will provide information for decision makers on investing funds in today’s...
Member Price: $20
Non-Member Price: $30
Predict, Prepare, and Plan with Financial Forecasting Note: You must be logged in to have access/purchase this webinar. Our Resource Center and main...
Member Price: $10
Non-Member Price: $20
Fraud Prevention (2024) Taking the appropriate steps to prevent fraud before it occurs and recognizing potential signs...
Member Price: $20
Non-Member Price: $30
Performance Audits - A Tool to Objectively Evaluate Your Government Operations This presentation will address new cases from state and federal courts and new statutes pertaining...
Member Price: $10
Non-Member Price: $20
Interfund Activity - Transfers and Advances With an increased number of calls regarding interfund activity, the Auditor of State’s...
Member Price: $20
Non-Member Price: $30
It's a Great Time to Review Options for Your Township's Cash Interest rates have been rapidly rising since 2022. Although rising rates are not good for most...
Member Price: $20
Non-Member Price: $30
Debt Market Review What is changing in the debt market? What should you think about when making new borrowing...
Member Price: $20
Non-Member Price: $30
Township Interaction with the County Auditor Learn key areas of collaboration between townships and county auditors from members of the...
Member Price: $20
Non-Member Price: $30
Fortifying Finances - Cybersecurity Best Practices for Fiscal Officers This training will equip township fiscal officers and employees with the essential knowledge and...
Member Price: $20
Non-Member Price: $30
Is Your Township in Compliance with IRS Requirements? Attendees will be given an update on IRS matters that pertain to local governments and will learn...
Member Price: $20
Non-Member Price: $30