Brady Township Installs LED Firehall Sign Honoring Past Firefighters

Township Stories,

Brady Township in Williams County, Ohio, has installed a new LED sign in front of the Brady Township Firehall. The sign features a plaque in memory of former firefighter, Al Bernath, who passed away.

In addition to Mr. Bernath's name, the plaque displays the names of other former firefighters who have passed on, honoring the service of those dedicated public servants.

The sign was funded by memorials received and by a generous donation from Mr. Bernath's wife and family, dedicated for use by the fire department.


A bench was added near the Township Firehall sign, made possible by donations from the widow of the same fireman. It is pictured below. 

Photos and information provided by Chrystal Maneval, Brady Township Fiscal Officer.

The original content of this news story first appeared in the September/October 2020 issue of the Ohio Township News magazine. Contact the OTA at with any questions or for reprint permissions.