2025 OTA Trade Show Rules & Regulations
Revised for 2025, please review the rules and regulations below before finalizing your trade show registration.
(Revised for 2025 Trade Show)
Exhibit Standards
Show management, including the OTA, shall have the right to prohibit any exhibit or part of an exhibit that, in its opinion, is not suitable for or does not keep with the character or purpose of the exhibition. Extending into another vendor’s space and fastening materials to booth drapery or building walls, ceilings, floors, carpeting, or columns is expressly prohibited.
Exhibitors will comply with GCCC's rules and regulations, found here.
Assignment of Space
Space is reserved for each exhibitor on a first-come, first-served basis and is not finalized until payment, a Hold Harmless agreement, and a Certificate of Liability Insurance have been received by the OTA. If another company requests the same booth and has provided all registration material, including the agreement form and proof of insurance, we are obligated to give them priority in preference. Companies provide the OTA with booth preference. The OTA does not guarantee booth placement and reserves the right to alter booth placement. The OTA strives to place vendors according to their preference in the order in which their complete registration materials are received. Confirmations with assigned booth numbers will be sent at least two weeks prior to the show to the contact name and email listed on the registration.
Use of OTA Logo
Any use of the OTA logo on marketing material not provided by the OTA office must receive express approval from the OTA Executive Director prior to distribution.
Trade Show Hours
Trade show exhibitors must abide by trade show hours. Exhibits must be manned by at least one company representative at all times. Dismantling is not permitted until the exhibit hall closes at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31.
Hospitality Rooms
Exhibitor entertainment, meetings, or other activities aimed at general attendees during all scheduled conference hours are prohibited. This includes hospitality rooms and other outside events.
All materials must conform to the requirements of the building and inspection authorities having local jurisdiction. Most notably, all decorative materials must be nonflammable, and display vehicles must have fuel tanks drained, batteries disconnected, and fuel filler openings must be locked or taped shut.
Outside Photography/Videography
No vendor is permitted to hire an outside photographer or videographer to photograph or record the OTA conference and trade show.
Door Prizes
A portion of the vendor registration fee is used by the OTA to purchase door prizes which are awarded by random drawings throughout the week. We are aware that some vendors choose to hold drawings for prizes at their booths. Ohio’s Ethics Laws place restrictions on this practice. Prizes should not be so valuable that they could be considered substantial and thus place improper influence on the public official who may win the prize. Prizes with a value of $40-50 are likely to be considered below the threshold where an issue could be created. More valuable prizes could be awarded if the recipient of the prize is the township itself and not the public official personally. These prizes would need to be suitable for use by the township (e.g., a desk chair, business software, or a technology device such as a tablet) and not designed for personal use (e.g., an expensive golf club or sporting event tickets). If you have questions, visit the Ohio Ethics Commission's website. For more information, contact Michael Zaky at zaky@ohiotownships.org or 614-863-0045.