Read all about the OTA's magazine and newsletter.
Ohio Township News Magazine
The Ohio Township Association (OTA) publishes a bi-monthly magazine, the Ohio Township News. The magazine is mailed to all members and includes educational articles, OTA event and conference materials, and legislative updates.
Get the Magazine
To get the Ohio Township News magazine, you must be a member of the OTA. Non-members may subscribe to the magazine for $15.86 annually ($0.86, which is state sales tax). To subscribe, contact our office, or you can print and return this form to her at the OTA's mailing address.
Members can view all recent articles from the magazine on our Resource Center (note: you must first be logged in to the OTA website to access the magazine). If it is your first time logging in to the OTA's new website as a member, you can create your profile by using the same email address connected to your membership record; if you do not know what that email address is or are encountering issues, please get in touch with Kelli Bailey.
Not Getting the Magazine?
If, for some reason, you are not receiving the magazine, please contact us, and we will work to remedy any issues that would be stopping your magazine from arriving. You can also check to make sure your mailing address is correct and fix any problems in your profile on the members-only portal of this site.
Interested in Publishing a Classified Ad or a Regular Advertisement?
Contact Tyler Lovelace to place a classified ad on our website or magazine.
Grassroots Clippings Newsletter
The OTA publishes a monthly newsletter, Grassroots Clippings, which includes announcements from the OTA, membership deadlines, conference and seminar updates, and educational opportunities through state organizations, such as the Ohio Learning and Technical Assistance Program, Ohio Department of Transportation, and Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.
"Did You Know?"
A unique “Did You Know?” section is also included in every newsletter, highlighting important technical information for fiscal officers and trustees. Additionally, the township compensation charts are published in the November issue each year.
How to Get It
The newsletter is mailed or emailed to township fiscal officers per their request. The fiscal officer is responsible for copying and distributing the newsletter to trustees and township employees.
All members of the OTA may also sign up to receive the electronic version (to do so, please contact our office). If you are interested in reading recent issues of the Grassroots Clippings newsletter and the “Did You Know?” articles, please log in to your profile and head to the Resource Center.