Townships Urged to Support Issue 2 in May



On May 6, Ohio voters will be asked to vote on Issue 2 – the Renewal of the State Capital Improvement Program. Voter approval of State Issue 2 will allow issuance of general obligation bonds up to $250 million per year over 10 years to fund grants and loans for local infrastructure improvements across the state of Ohio and will create an estimated 35,000 construction jobs. Issue 2 relies on existing state revenues and does not raise taxes.

Since Ohio voters first approved the program in 1987, it has provided funding for more than 19,000 critical infrastructure projects and upgrades to local roads and bridges, wastewater treatment systems, water supply systems, solid waste disposal facilities, and stormwater and sanitary collection, storage, and treatment facilities across all 88 counties. In the current 10-year cycle, $2.3 billion has been awarded to 1,084 local governments for 4,490 projects benefiting municipalities, counties, townships, and other subdivisions across the state.

Funding for this program relies on voter approval about every 10 years. House Joint Resolution 8 cleared the Ohio General Assembly with overwhelming bipartisan support in December 2024, making way for the renewal to be placed before voters in the May 6, 2025, election. The last voter renewal of the program was on May 6, 2014, receiving support from 65% of the electorate.

Because of the important local improvements Issue 2 will create, it enjoys wide support from county commissioners, mayors, township trustees and fiscal officers, county engineers, legislators of both political parties, businesses, and labor organizations. The Ohio Township Association urges each of you and all your township residents to vote YES on Issue 2 in May.

The Ohio Township Association urges each township to support State Issue 2 and pass a resolution to show your support. Please send resolutions to the Issue 2 campaign committee - Strong Ohio Communities - to Angela Snyder

To obtain a sample resolution, visit the OTA Resource Center.