Local Roads Oil and Shale Program Solicitation Process Opens Aug 15


The Local Roads Oil and Shale Program provides economic support for infrastructure repairs in counties, townships, cities and villages impacted by increased vehicular truck traffic from oil and gas production.

This program will fund roadway repairs within villages and municipalities, as well as county and township roads, in Carroll, Noble, Belmont, Monroe, Jefferson, Harrison, and Guernsey counties not currently covered by a Road Use and Maintenance Agreement (RUMA), and will be funded at $2.5M annually, with a $500k per project limit.

The project solicitation process will begin August 1 of each year, and close September 15. This annual solicitation process will be for the FY 2022 program. The application form will be made available online through the Office of Local Programs’ website.

The program guidance document, as well as the application link, can be found here.

For questions or more information, contact:
Jeff Peyton
(614) 466-2032