ARP Funding Support for Ohio Townships Continues, OTA Awaiting Treasury Response and Decision
Ohio townships continue to receive assistance concerning ARP funds from members of Ohio’s Congressional delegation & the Ohio GA, local gov. groups, and other state and federal partners. The OTA thanks all who are raising awareness for this crucial issue. Recently, among those contacting Treasury on townships’ behalf were Ohio State Representatives Crawley, Hall & Swearingen.
All three Reps. penned invaluable letters to the U.S. Treasury on townships’ behalf, and Reps. Hall & Swearingen have introduced a concurrent resolution in the Ohio House. The letters and the resolution all urge U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen to consider Ohio townships eligible for direct ARP funding, for which all other forms of local government in Ohio are eligible. The OTA is still awaiting a response and a decision from Treasury.
Due to language inconsistencies between bill versions, Ohio townships – as well as those in several other states – may not be eligible for direct funding under the bill, which distributes $350 billion to states and local governments.
More information will be provided as developments take place. For the OTA's earlier statements and press releases on this issue, please go to the OTA's newsroom.