Affordable Housing 101
June Webinar
* Registration open until 6/19/23 at 4:30 PM (EST)
Event Details
"Affordable Housing" is an issue that faces nearly every community in Ohio, but it is often poorly understood by elected leaders and community members. This presentation will provide answers to the questions of what affordable housing is and how affordable housing is produced and financed. After attending this presentation, all attendees will be better equipped to engage in housing policy discussions in their communities.
- Upon completion, participants will be able to describe to their elected officials and communities what affordable housing is, who affordable housing is for, and how affordable housing deals come together.
- Upon completion, participants will be able to describe to their elected officials and communities the tools used to develop affordable housing.
- Upon completion, participants will be able to describe to their stakeholders what Annual Median Income is and why it is important to the affordable housing conversation in their community.
*This webinar is pending approval for one hour of CM credit through the American Planning Association.
Geoff Milz, Ohio Director of Development, Pennrose
If you would like to register via a paper form, you can download one at the link above (note that a separate form must be filled out for each registrant).
- Make all checks payable to Ohio Township Association; payment for more than one attendee can be included in the same check.
- The form can be mailed to the Ohio Township Association at 6500 Taylor Rd. Suite A, Blacklick, OH 43004, faxed to 614-863-9751, or emailed to (Emailed forms will require mailed payment to the address above.)
- Paper registration forms are due five business days prior to the event.
For More Information:
Once purchased, webinars are non-refundable. If your refund request is due to a scheduling conflict, contact Michael Zaky for assistance with links to the recording after the webinar. He can be reached at or 614-863-0045.