Professional Bio
Scott Fabian has been serving Steubenville Township (Jefferson Co.) as trustee for 26 years. Scott was elected to the OTA Board of Directors in 2008, has served as a director, secretary-treasurer, second vice president, first vice president, and is currently as board president. Currently, Scott serves as the executive committee person for the Jefferson County Township Association, but he has previously served in all leadership positions. As a graduate of Mingo High, he is the Assistant General Superintendent for the Jefferson County Highway Department, where he has worked for the past 37 years. Scott is involved in numerous public works groups in his county, including the Regional Planning Commission, Health Department Advisory Council, Storm Waters Oversite Committee, and the Regional Solid Waste Department. He and his wife, Jennifer, have two daughters. Scott's passion for township government stems from "the satisfaction of making a difference, solving township issues, and working to improve roads for our citizens."

OTA Board Position