Photo of Chris Norman

Chris Norman

Fiscal Officer

Scioto County - Nile Township


Professional Bio

For the last 20 years, Chris Norman has served as fiscal officer for Nile Township (Scioto Co.). Chris was elected to the OTA Board of Directors in 2024. He was recently elected to serve as the secretary-treasurer for the Scioto County Township Association. When not balancing the township’s books, he is working in upper management at Berndt & Murfin Insurance. He is a past master of Rome Lodge #535 and a 32° mason from the Valley of Cincinnati. He is married to Tracey and has two sons. He serves on the OTA Board because he "believes township government is the purest form of government" and wants to help further the cause.


Photo of Scioto County - Nile Township Scioto County - Nile Township
OTA Logo Township

OTA Board Position