CARES Act & COVID-19 for Townships (Township Resource Links)
The OTA's COVID-19 resource hub, formerly titled "Township Resource Links."
Upcoming Webinars |
Past Webinars & Resources |
CARES Act Funds |
Important Documents |
Sample Policies |
U.S. Treasury Guidance on CARES Act Funding |
Past COVID-19 Emails |
Coronavirus Relief Funds EXTENSION
On December 30, the Ohio Office of Budget & Management announced that the Controlling Board has approved an extension for local governments to utilize federal Coronavirus Relief Funds until Dec. 31, 2021. For more information, click here.
CARES Act Uses Packet
In mid-September, the OTA compiled and mailed a packet of information about the CARES Act to township fiscal officers. That packet included an overview of the CARES Act; examples of eligible uses from across the state; step-by-step guidance on receiving the funds; information on subgranting funding; information on audit procedures; and more. Access that packet here.
While OTA information should not be construed as legal counsel, the OTA's hope is that this packet is valuable and serves as a one-stop-shop for township's CARES Act questions. As always, townships are encouraged to work with their legal counsel for questions and interpretations of legal requirements.
Additionally, the OTA worked with Baker, Dublikar, Beck, Wiley & Mathews (attorneys at law) to compile Q&As that were submitted for our CARES Act Uses webinar into one very thorough document. Access that invaluable resource here.
Topics covered by the Q&A document are:
- Cleaning/Sanitization
- Payroll/Personnel
- Facilities
- Subgranting
- Safety Services
- Miscellaneous
- CARES Act Logistics & Requirements
More info coming soon!
Auditing of CARES Act Funds - Ohio Auditor of State's Office
The Ohio Township Association, Ohio Municipal League, Ohio Mayors Alliance, and County Commissioners Association of Ohio invited participants to join Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber’s office in discussing the processes and procedures of auditing CARES Act funds. This webinar addressed audit requirements under the CARES Act, accounting procedures, a review of how funds will be audited, and information on best practices and additional resources. View this webinar here, and view this webinar's slides here.
FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS FOR AUDITING WEBINAR, answered by the Auditor of State's Office and OBM.
Subgranting of CARES Act Funding
The Ohio Township Association, Ohio Municipal League, Ohio Mayors Alliance, and County Commissioners Association of Ohio invited participants to join the Ohio Office of Budget and Management (OBM) to discuss the processes and procedures of subgranting CARES Act funds to other entities. This webinar covered requirements under the CARES Act, how to establish a subgrant, innovative uses of CARES Act funds with other entities, and best practices for local governments looking to share resources or partner with other entities to deliver programs with CARES Act dollars. View this webinar here, and view this webinar's slides here.
CARES Act Uses
As a township official, you may be wondering what expenses are eligible under the CARES Act and how this money can benefit your community. On September 18, Greg Beck, attorney with Baker, Dublikar, Beck, Wiley & Mathews, provided an overview of eligible uses and answered your questions, all via webinar. View this webinar here, and view this webinar's slides here.
Additionally, the law firm worked with the OTA to create a Q&A document with regard to CARES Act fund uses. Please click here to view this invaluable resource.The questions are split into subjects and cover the following:
- Cleaning/Sanitization
- Payroll/Personnel
- Facilities
- Subgranting
- Safety Services
- Miscellaneous
- CARES Act Logistics & Requirements
CARES Act Funds
On December 30, the Ohio Office of Budget & Management announced that the Controlling Board has approved an extension for local governments to utilize federal Coronavirus Relief Funds until Dec. 31, 2021. For more information, click here.
Important Documents
- US Treasury CARES Act FAQ
- Ohio Office of Budget and Management (OBM) CARES Act FAQ
- Subgranting CARES Act Funding
- Ohio Auditor of State Coronavirus FAQ
Sample Policies
(pulled from the June 1 COVID-19 update email; see that PDF at the bottom of this page for more info)
- Sample COVID-19 Building and Workplace Policy
- Sample COVID-19 Restart Checklist
- Township Employees Returning to Work FAQ
U.S. Treasury Guidance on CARES Act Funding
Click here to view Treasury Guidance on CARES Act funding. This document has been updated several times, so please check their website frequently for the latest information.
The Office of Budget and Management hosted an informational webinar on the CARES Act on July 22. The webinar provided an update on recent US Treasury guidance and discussed examples of eligible uses of funds. If you missed it, you may review the recording here.
Past OTA COVID-19 Emails
The OTA's informational coronavirus emails are listed below. The emails contain sample policies, legislative updates and more related to COVID-19 and its impact on Ohio's townships.