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2022 NATaT Virtual Town Hall

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 to Thursday, May 12, 2022

* Registration open until 5/1/22 at 12:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

The National Association of Towns and Townships is hosting their second VIRTUAL Fly-In!

The Virtual Town Hall is scheduled for May 11-12. Although the agenda is tentative for this event, please expect an impressive line-up of speakers to address some of NATaT's top priorities as well as coordinated meetings with Ohio Congressional members. During those Congressional meetings, you will join your fellow Ohioans to advocate and educate Congressional leaders on NATaT's federal priorities.  

To register for the NATaT Virtual Town Hall, click the "Register Here" button above, next to the NATaT logo.

The cost to attend is $35.00 per person.

*This event will satisfy the federal requirement for OTALA 1.0.

For More Information:

Michael Zaky
Michael Zaky
Director of Education & Events OTA (614)863-0045
Wednesday, May 11: Virtual Town Hall (1-4PM Eastern)


  1. USDOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg (not yet confirmed);
  2. USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Grant Program Panel. The panel will include USDA staff and NATaT-member recipients to discuss the Community Facilities Grant Program and how it can benefit your community; and
  3. Connecting Your Community Panel Discussion: Kathryn de Wit, Pew Charitable Trust and Christopher Mitchell, Institute for Local Self Reliance. The panelists will provide insights on how NATaT members can best engage with your state broadband offices, effectively collaborate with public and private entities to deploy broadband to unserved and underserved areas, and how to best navigate the variety of federal funding opportunities to address access, adoption, affordability, digital equity, and digital inclusion. 


Thursday, May 12: Virtual Legislative Meetings with House Representatives and Senators (Times TBD)