House Bill 33

The OTA is an interested party in this bill.


House Bill 33 was passed by both chambers on June 30, 2023. The was sent to the  Governor's desk for review, where he issued line-item vetoes.

Provisions that were included in the final version of HB 33:

    • Increase to the Local Government Fund to 1.7%;
    • Township continued ability to use Replacement Levies;
    • Increased competitive bid thresholds from $50,000 to $75,000 with a yearly inflationary index;
    • Townships with a population of at least 5,000 within a county of a population of 200,000 to 400,000 granted the authority to create a new community authority;
    • Limited Home Rule townships given the ability to publish limited home rule resolutions on the township's website or social media account, rather than a newspaper;
    • $40 million for continuing law enforcement training;
    • Appropriations for safety service grants, including $4 million for MARCS grants
    • Required meeting of the county budget commission on LGF alternative revenue formula every five years
    • TIF 30-year extension modification;
    • Allows a parcel in an existing TIF be removed and included in another TIF;
    • Required fraud training and reporting requirements for public officials with fiduciary responsibilities;
    • Retail establishments to obtain a 14 day temporary fire or building permit without inspection;
    • Increased the LGF minimum county floor to $850,000; and
    • Prohibits local regulation of tobacco products and alternative nicotine products.

In previous alerts and updates, the OTA requested a call to action on three items: zoning referendum changes, gas tax flexibility, and residential development property tax exemption. Below are the final provisions included in HB 33.

    • Zoning Referendum Increase
      The final version of the bill decreased the proposed signature threshold for a zoning referendum to be place on the ballot in a township from 25% to 15%. This was an OTA requested compromise.
    • Gas Tax Flexibility
      The final version of the bill added the House version of this provision allowing townships to use their motor fuel tax revenue to purchase a building to house road machinery and equipment. This was an OTA requested provision.
    • Residential Development Property Tax Exemption for Unimproved Land
      This provision would exempt residential development groups from property taxes for eight years as they make certain improvements on the land including sidewalks and water and sewer. This allowance takes away revenue townships would otherwise receive. The OTA will request a veto from Governor DeWine on this provision.

Governor DeWine has issued the line item vetoes for the following provisions that pertain to townships:

    • Prohibits local regulation of tobacco products and alternative nicotine products.

The OTA has released a statement on HB 33, which you can read here

See the links below for more information on the Ohio Legislature's website, such as proponent and opponent testimonies, a summary of the bill, and more.

House Bill 33

OTA Interested Party Testimony 3/30/2023

OTA Interested Party Testimony 5/30/2023

View Talking Points for HB 33

Watch the OTA's proponent testimony from the March 30, 2023, House Finance Committee hearing on HB33 below. If the video does not load, click here to view the video on the Ohio Channel.

Watch the OTA's proponent testimony from the May 30, 2023, Senate Finance Committee hearing on the Operating Budget below. If the video does not load, click here to view the video on the Ohio Channel.